Story Prompt #16
Cursed to experience the “perfect” day, you find that you have to repeat each day until it is. After completing several weeks of this, you realize that the repetitions required are becoming shorter…
Artistry and Coffee
Cursed to experience the “perfect” day, you find that you have to repeat each day until it is. After completing several weeks of this, you realize that the repetitions required are becoming shorter…
Artistry and Coffee
You have lived long enough to see the old proverb “history repeats itself” come true, except this time you are on the opposite side than you were in the previous series of events.
Artistry and Coffee
You have just finished writing your latest chapter the night before, while listening to your child’s latest adventure with their imaginary friend, you have the sudden realization that their adventure is the same story you just completed…
Artistry and Coffee
You have just finished writing another novel when one of your fictional characters approach you in a coffee shop and asks you why you put them through all of that stuff. After getting over the shock, you…
Artistry and Coffee